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What to do when Google rank or traffic suddenly decreases

If the organic traffic on the site is good, and due to some sudden change the traffic reduces drastically, no one likes this.. and this happens with many people.

Whenever there is an update in the search engine algorithm, there is a change in traffic. If the traffic is increasing, that is a good thing, but if it decreases, then what should you do? That is what I am going to tell you in this post.

For some time now, Google is running real-time algorithm updates, which is not good news for any site owner. In this, Google does different tests, due to which the rank of even a good site suddenly goes down. Then it will be clear again but you will definitely get to see the Uttar Pradesh traffic.

How to know if the traffic is decreasing, what is the reason for it, I am telling you the steps for it, you follow all these steps and if you find any mistake somewhere then try to fix it immediately, so that the rank of your site can be corrected again, and your post can come on top in Google.


Step 1: Check Website Status

Before going to the web, you need to check your website to see if there is any error due to some code or some setting has gone wrong due to which your rank has gone down.

You also have to check the On Page SEO , you have not added a big link to the page which has suffered heavy traffic loss.


Code check HTTP Status

You have to check the HTTP status of your website, through this you will come to know if someone wants to open your website, it is opening or not. Status code 200 coming means your site is loading well.

To check this you can use HTTP Status Code Checker. Simply you have to check it by entering the URL of your website or page in it.


Are the bots able to crawl the site or not?

The search engine bots crawl the site and only after that the site is displayed in search, in such a case it can also happen that you have accidentally blocked the bots using robots.txt and the search engine is not able to crawl your site.

There is nothing wrong in Robot.txt, you can see it in Google’s free Robots Testing Tool .


Step 2: Check Google Algorithm Updates

Another reason for sudden loss of traffic can also be that Google has done some major algorithm update. You can check some popular blogs online for information about it.

The best way to get any update is through Twitter, because here you will get all the top SEO.

Now to see any update on Twitter, you can simply search, “ google algorithm update ” as you can see in the screenshot.


Step 3: Google Search Console Check


You must have added your site in Google Search Console , if not, then add it now, it is very important.

Whenever any update comes and due to that any problem occurs on the site, we get an error message and we can correct it by following the method told by them.

You should check in Search Console whether any error is occurring while crawling your site, and also check how many posts of your site are indexed.

It is also important to do important settings in Google Search Console , if you have not done it yet then do that as well.


Step 4: Check Your Google Analytics

You can also find the reason for low traffic on your website through Google Analytics. Open Google Analytics of your site and see its traffic graph. You will get a lot of information from this.

For example: Google released an update in which mobile friendly sites are shown on top, so in such a case if you look at Google Analytics then your computer traffic remains the same but if your site is not mobile friendly then your mobile traffic would be less.

By looking at many things like this, you can find out from Google Analytics, what is the reason for lack of traffic.

If you have not added Google Analytics then do it now, information about how to add Google Analytics is given here in the site.


Step 5: Check Site Speed

Website speed is a ranking factor in Google, and if the speed of your site is slow then this can also be a reason for sudden decrease in your traffic.

You can use Google's PageSpeed ​​Insights to check the speed of a website , and it also reveals what is wrong with it.


Step 6: Check Mobile

Google has made it clear that only mobile-friendly sites will be shown for mobile and they will be given more value, so it is very important for us that the site opens properly on mobile.

To make your blog open well on mobile, you should use a very mobile friendly template .

You can find out whether the website is mobile friendly or not with the help of Google's  Mobile-Friendly Test tool.


Step 7: Check Your Backlink

Backlink is a link in which the link of one of our pages has been added on some other site. A good high quality backlink increases the value and trust of the site in the search engine.

But it has its opposite as well, meaning if the backlink is received from a low quality site or from a spam site, then it can also cause harm to our site.



Now you must have understood to some extent what is the reason for sudden decrease in traffic of your site. You can solve whatever problem you have by following these steps.

Here you should keep one thing in mind, if you change anything in your site, you will not see its effect immediately in the search engine that you updated something today and from tomorrow your site started getting more traffic…

Along with this you should also know the Top 10 Ranking Factors of Google Rank which are very important in 2017 for better ranking of the website.

Hope this information will be useful to you, and if your traffic is suddenly down then it will also help in correcting it.

Apart from these, if there can be any other reason for sudden traffic down then please share it in the comments.

Posted: May 31, 2024, 8:34 a.m.
