20 Best Link Building (Backlink) SEO Techniques 2024

To rank any post on Google, it is very important to do its Search Engine Optimization (SEO) , and in such a case, we should know what are the methods of creating backlinks.

If , after selecting the right keyword , you write the post while keeping On Page SEO in mind, then 60% of the SEO work is finished.. But, if the topic on which you are writing the post requires computation, then we will need to do Off-Page SEO , in which Backlinks are most important .


20 Best Link Building (Backlink) Making Methods

1: Create Social Media Community

On all the social network platforms like Facebook , Twitter, Instagram etc., we have to build community there and stay connected with as many people as possible. The benefit of this is that they will also like your post whatever you share on social media. If they know you, then the chances of them sharing your post also increase.

To build an online community it is important that you do something that people like and because of which people want to connect with you. There is a simple way to do this, help others as much as you can, as much as possible. In return you will not take anything from them but they will support you somewhere or the other.

Or you should know that Google and other search engines also notice social shares, through which they get to know how engaging the post is.


2: Search for blogs in your same niche

If you want high quality backlinks for your website , then you have to get links from only those websites that match the category of your blog.

After finding a blog related to the niche, you can make blog comments, guest posts to create links.. or you can also do paid links or link exchange if they allow it.

You can find the same niche blogs in these ways:

  • Similar Site Search : This is an online website in which we can see other websites related to any website.
  • All Blogger List : If someone has shared a list of blogs or bloggers online, you can see them. 
  • From Google : Simply search for your blog on Google, other blogs related to it will also appear.


3: Blog Commenting

This is the easiest way of link building, because in this we just have to make a good comment related to the article we have read and give our link in their link section.

You should know how to make a good comment .. so that all the comments you make do not seem like spam.

Comment Backlink is still the most popular Off Page SEO technique because it does not require much work.

You have to take links from those websites or blogs which are related to your keyword or topic. To find that you can search on Google itself.

  • Keyword “comment here” (example: SEO tips “comment here”)
  • Keyword “add comment”
  • Keyword “submit comment”
  • Keyword “leave a comment”
  • Keyword “Powered by WordPress”
  • Keyword “Powered by BlogSpot”
  • Keyword “Post a Comment”

Apart from this, you can also use third party tools like DropMyLink , Linksearching , botw.org etc.

You have to keep one thing in mind while creating Comment Backlink, on some sites only high quality comments will be approved, so I will suggest you this, after reading the post you should make a good comment related to it. Nice Post , thanks for sharing , it will be better if you do not make spammy comments.


4: Forum Posting

Forums have the advantage of both Backlink and Traffic, so for this you have to join as many forums as are related to your category and help the people there.

Before building links on the forum, you must also check whether the link you are providing is related to it or not. Because if you find that you are providing links only for your own benefit, your account can also be banned.


5: Social Bookmarking

By sharing your post on social bookmarking sites, you can get good traffic and backlinks as well. So my suggestion would be that after publishing the post, definitely share it on social bookmarking sites.


6: Blog Directory Submission

You can create backlinks by submitting your blog to any High Authority Blog Directory online. Although, you do not get as much benefit from it as you used to get earlier. But still it is better than nothing. There is more benefit in getting the post indexed quickly .


7: Search Engines Submission

It is also very important to submit your blog to popular search engines so that they can know about our blog's content and its content. You must submit your blog on Google , Yahoo, Bing, Ask, Alexa, AOL etc.


8: Article Submission Sites

By submitting our unique content to article submission sites, we can get it indexed quickly and can also get a good quality backlink.


9: RSS Feed Directory Submission

RSS Feed Directories are the same way for Blog Submission, here we have to submit the RSS Feed of our blog , after which whenever we publish any new post of ours, it will automatically start appearing in their Directory.. which helps in ranking the post.


10: Guest Posting

Guest Post is the best way of making high quality backlink in 2019 which is liked the most by all the search engines. We have shared what Guest Post is and what are its benefits.

If you do guest posting on your blog or topic related blog then you will get high quality backlink and good traffic too.

You can search for guest posting blogs in Google using these terms.

  • Keyword + “guest blog”
  • Keyword + “guest blogger”
  • Keyword + “guest Column”
  • Keyword + “guest article”
  • Keyword + guest post
  • Keyword + guest author
  • Keyword + “write for us”
  • Keyword + “write for me”
  • Keyword + “become a contributor”
  • Keyword + “contribute to this site”
  • Keyword + inurl:category/guest
  • Keyword + inurl:contributors


11: Link Exchange (Not Recommended)

Link exchange is an old way of making backlinks, in which two blogs give links to each other. This way was very popular in the old times and it also gave good results. But now search engines have become very smart, so if someone does this then they catch them.

Well, if the link is there in a natural way then it will be difficult to catch it.. but my suggestion to you will be that do not do the link exchange directly.. and if you do this too much then it can also get a bad impression in the search.


12: Question And Answer site

If you can help people, answer their questions, you can also create links in this way. You can create your account on any popular Q&A site and answer people's questions.

ye kuch Popular QnA Sites: Yahoo Answers, Quora, Blurt it, Anybody Out There, eHow, Askville etc..


13: Link Baiting

If we put anything on the internet, it is very difficult to prevent it from being copied, or rather we cannot stop it.. So in such a case we can do this.. If someone copies content or images from our blog, we can contact them and ask them to give our credit link in that content..

Well, you should know what are the advantages and disadvantages of copying from other's blog .. so that if you also do this, you can correct your mistake.

If you want to protect your blog from being copied legally, then you will have to add a DMCA badge to your site, so that if someone copies your copyright material , you can know about it.


14: Video Submission

By making a good high quality video, you can submit your video on any video submission website.. and by adding the correct title, tags, and description, you can get backlinks and traffic.


15: Photo Sharing

There are many such websites online that allow photo sharing, you can also get credit links by sharing your photos or images on them.


16: Local Listing

If your website targets any area, or you have a business website, then definitely submit your website in any local listing website there, which will benefit in ranking the site. This is one of the Local SEO techniques.


17: Press Release Submission

You can share news or detailed articles related to your website on as many popular news sites as there are or who do press releases of such kind.. with the help of which people will get to know about our blog along with high quality backlink.


18: Documents Sharing

By creating a good document, you can submit it on popular document sharing sites and can get high quality backlinks.

If you have written a detailed article, you can convert it into PDF and submit it, and in return you can get a backlink to that article.


19: Infographics Submission

Nowadays Infographics Submission is also becoming popular, in which an image designed with a graphic contains some detailed information. People like to see such infographics, so if you are good at designing, you can create infographics and share them, and whoever adds them to their blog can take credit link from them.


20: Email Outreach

This is the most professional way of link building, in which every blog has links which we need. We contact them by email and offer them a link.

We can get the link through these methods:

  • If there is a broken link somewhere, we can show them our link related to it and say that the broken link is causing loss to your users and SEO, you can add this link there.
  • If we have any image, we can send it and say that you can use it for free on your blog and in return can only give a credit link.

Before doing email outreach, you should know how to write a good email , so that the impression you make is not wrong.



So now you know what are the best ways of link building with the help of which we can create high quality backlinks.

Do you know that as much as high quality backlinks benefit our site, bad backlinks also cause harm to it. So keep in mind that do not make such links anywhere which are not correct. And if low quality backlinks are coming from somewhere, then you will get the information about How to Remove Bad Backlinks in Google .

If you still have any questions related to Link Building then don't hesitate to comment. I have definitely answered your question. And along with that don't forget to tell me how you liked this information.

Posted: June 1, 2024, 2:12 p.m.
