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What is Bounce Rate, How to Reduce Bounce Rate [SEO Tips]

Whatever may be the purpose of creating a blog, every serious blogger wants that his visitors visit his blog daily, read every post written by him carefully and stay on his blog for as long as possible. What does it mean if the bounce rate is low. So let us find out what is bounce rate and what does it mean.


If you are a new blogger and you also want that visitors remain busy on your blog/website for a longer time then understand that the time has come to check the bounce rate of the site.

Bounce Rate is a Google Ranking Factor which is very important to rank a post on Google.

Before reducing the bounce rate, you need to understand what the bounce rate is. So let us first know what this Bounce Rate is and how it works.


What is the bounce rate?

Your blog gets new visitors every day, some from Google results, some from social media and some from referral links, but only a few of them stay on your blog for a longer time or open your site again sometimes.

Bounce Rate is the percentage of those visitors who come to your blog but leave your site immediately without clicking on any page.

Meaning that visitors come and leave immediately, this one suffers from bounce rate, the more it is, means that more people are leaving the site immediately and that is that much bad for a website owner.

There can be many reasons for this. So just understand that it would be better for your site if its bounce rate is low, the more the better.

Top Reasons That Causes Bounce Rate:

  • Website Design
  • Website Loading Time 
  • Design Responsive 
  • e,t,c


How to find out bounce rate?

Google Analytics is such a product of Google that we can use to easily find out about our users, how many visitors are coming from which country, how many page views are happening and what is the bounce rate. Along with this, there is a lot of information like for how long visitors are staying on which page. I think every blogger should definitely use this product of Google .

As I told you can track bounce rate using Google Analytics, so you need to login to your Google Analytics account.

You have to go to Reporting in Google Analytics and go to site content>All pages, complete information will be in front of you. You will be able to see what percentage of visitors are bouncing back from your blog.


What should be the bounce rate:

If the bounce rate of your site is more than 35% then you need to be a little serious because your traffic is coming to your site and going away for some reason or the other, which is not a good thing at all.

If the bounce rate is more than 50% then it is a serious matter and you should start fixing it immediately.

Whatever hard work you put in to bring visitors to your site, if they do not stay on the site, then consider our hard work as useless. So, whatever hard work you put in bringing visitors to your site, you should put in the same amount of effort to keep them on your site.

Ways to reduce bounce rate:

#1: Bad Web Design

Your readers are not designers but still they have full understanding of good and bad web design. If your web design is not organized, eye-irritating colors have been used, or animation is running on the whole site, then change it.

Simple design will also be good if you do not have much knowledge about web designing.


#2: Better Content

Post such content which has good information and can keep the visitors engaged. Put only what the visitor wants.

Read this to know how to write good content


# 3: Use of multimedia

To make your site interesting, use images, gifs, audio and videos and nowadays infographics are in trend, you can use them as well.


#4: Reduce loading time

Loading time is very important to reduce bounce rate, because no one likes to wait, if the site does not load quickly then they will close it.

So after this, keep in mind that the site loads fast, and limit the images and multimedia you use in it.

Upload the image only after reducing its size.

#5: Interlinking

Also add links to previous posts in your articles so that your visitors can notice other posts as well. For example, take this post in which I have added a link to another post wherever possible.


#6: Powerful Widgets

Related post/ featured post when you add powerful widget to your site it helps you to increase your bounce rate


#7: Choose the right keywords

It is very important that the keywords are correct, if you have used the right keywords then the right visitors will reach you and will also show their interest on your site.

What is Keyword and how to use it, its information is available here and also read  what should be the KEYWORD DENSITY to get top rank in Search Engine.


#8: User Friendly

User friendly means that the format of your post should be such that it is easy to read. The menu of the site should be clear so that if a visitor of the site needs to go somewhere on the site, he can go there easily.


#9: Mobile Friendly Design

The blog should be responsive i.e. it should be usable for every device and every browser. After 2014, most of the users browse the website on their smartphone instead of opening it on computer or PC, so it has become very important in today's time that the design of the website should be mobile friendly.

Mobile friendly design also benefits in Google search ranking

#10:  Article with too many words

If you write a long post, keep in mind that the paragraphs should be short. Nobody likes to read a very long article, if you write it in breaks then it will be nice to see and your visitors will also read it easily. Your article should be of 500-600 words.

But it is not necessary that the article should be short. The point is, write as long an article as you can. But the information of the entire article should be such that people can read it. Writing anything useless is just a waste of your time.


#11:  The title of the post is correct

Write the title of the post well and in such a way that after reading it one can understand what is in the post.. What mistake many people make, they write anything in the title of the post so that the visitors will search for it and come to their blog.. yes this is true, visitors can come.. but when they do not get what they want then they will immediately close your blog due to which the bounce rate of the blog increases a lot.. which is very wrong from the SEO point of view.

#12:  Paragraph

Whenever you write an article, try to make it clear as soon as possible what you are going to tell in that article. Every visitor should know that this information is here and he should keep making it on the site.


#13: Commenting

If you have written a good article with hard work and if someone reads it, then it is a simple matter. You will get to know how people liked your article only when they will comment on that article. So, as far as possible, in the end, definitely ask your visitors to comment and tell how they liked this information. Its bounce rate will be less because even after reading the article, they will wait a little longer to comment on your site.


#14: Category

This is also a mistake that many new bloggers make.. Meaning if you only post articles on the topic on which your blog is based, then whoever seeks information about it will get all the information.. But if you publish an article mixing all the categories, then the visitor will not understand it and will leave the blog..

Do not create too many categories on the blog and however many you do, keep every article set with the help of labels and categories .


#15: Number of Pages

One reason for high bounce rate can also be that the number of posts on your site is less. What will happen is that the visitor will have less options and he will leave quickly. For this, publish good articles on your site.

Make sure to publish at least one article daily.


#16: Search Box Use

It is very important to have a search box in the blog, because if a user comes to your site and needs some other information from your blog then the only way to find it is through the search box. And if there is no search box then even if he wants to search, he will have to leave our site, which will increase the bounce rate.



So friends, now you must have understood what is Bounce Rate and how can you reduce Bounce Rate. Do whatever you can so that visitors stay on your site for maximum time and the Bounce Rate of your site remains low.

These are some basic tips to decrease the bounce rate of your site/blog . If you feel that useful information has been given in this post, then do not forget to convey this to other people , share our post. Also, if you have any good idea to reduce bounce rate then tell us in the comment section.

Happy Blogging!

Posted: May 31, 2024, 8:55 a.m.
