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How to create internal links for SEO

If you are worried about less traffic on your blog, then you are on the right article, because now you will know about the ways to improve your blog traffic.

To increase blog traffic, you need to know more about SEO and other methods in which you can use to get traffic to your website.

Now, we will learn about the point coming in On Page SEO, about Internal Link and understand in detail how to create it and how Internal Link can help in increasing the traffic and page view of our blog.

If you want to get more traffic to your blog, then the most important thing for that is quality content , because if what the user wants is not available on our website, then no matter how much effort you make, the visitor will not come to the website.. and if someone comes by mistake, he will immediately cut it and go away.

If you have a website and you do SEO on it, then you must be knowing that among all the ranking factors, one important factor is Backlink, in which a link is given to our post from some other website.

The backlink comes from another website, for which we have to put in more effort, but if any of our posts is ranking well, then we can also rank our other post by linking it to that post.

Let us understand through an example:

Like when a post gets indexed in Google, the crawler goes to all the links on that page and indexes them. So if any of our old posts is indexed in Google and is getting good traffic, then we add the link of our new post to it, so that Google notices our new post quickly and due to this it gets indexed quickly in Google .

Now let us understand a little more in detail.. What is Internal Linking and how can we create Internal Links and how with its help we can increase the rank of our blog along with our blog traffic and page views.

What is Internal Linking in SEO

All the links that are there in any blog post or page, if they are from the same domain then they are called internal links . , And if any link is on any other domain then it is called external link.

Internal Link helps search engines a lot in discovering new pages.. and along with that, Internal Link is most important in keeping users on the website.

If you have to rank a website then the most important thing for it is to keep the user waiting on your website for as long as possible.. which signals to Google that the user is staying for so long on this website means that what is on this website is what the user needs.. similarly if the user leaves some website hurriedly then it signals to Google that what is on this website is not what the user needs and due to that Google lowers the rank of that website and raises the rank of some other website.

So suppose a user visits your website and gets all the information he needs.. but there are other posts related to that on your blog.. and you have given the link of those posts in that post, then by clicking on those links the user will go to your other posts also.. this will keep the user on your website and the bounce rate of your website will be reduced.

How to create an internal link?

There is only one rule of internal linking, all the links should be relevant to that page. It is not like you are talking about some other topic and in that post you are adding a link to some such topic which has nothing to do with that page.

You can also add Related Post or Popular Post widgets to your blog . So that the user can see other posts related to that post and the best posts of your blog will also be shown, then the chances of the user clicking on it and reading other posts will increase.

You must know how to write a high quality post , any post is written with the thought that we give the user what he wants in the post.. What I mean to say is that we have to enhance the user experience If users get quality content then they also read your other posts.

For example, if a post is about blogging, then we can provide internal links of other posts related to blogging in that post, so that if the user is interested in them, he will click on that link and read those posts as well.

You can see a live example of internal linking in this post, where all the important topics have been internally linked. And its best example is also Wikipedia , in which all the pages have internal links.

So now you must have understood, what is Internal Link and how you can keep the users on your website with the help of Internal Linking.

You always have to keep one thing in mind in internal linking, whatever page it is, you have to do linking related to it only,It should not happen that the user gets confused as to which link is this or whether it has opened.

Internal linking also helps in distributing link juice, like if any of our posts has more high quality backlinks then we can improve the rank of other pages by giving internal link from that page.



Internal Linking is an important factor for the blog, which is important for both SEO and users. If internal linking is done correctly, then the user can be kept on the website for a longer time, and the ranking of your website can also be improved.

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If you have any other question related to Internet Linking then please ask that also in the comment.

Posted: May 31, 2024, 9:17 a.m.
