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10 Important Ranking Factor in Google SERP [2024 SEO]

How to rank at the top in Google, this question is in the mind of every website owner and he always tries to know what improvements he should make so that his site comes in the top result and remains there. So if this question keeps troubling you as well then you must read this post completely.

 I have already shared previous posts on how to get on top in Google and how to  get on top with the help of SEO , but today in this post we will talk a little more, how to get results in search using SEO + Google intelligence.

You might know that before showing any result on Google, 200+ things are checked and only after that the result is shown.

In this post, we will talk about the 10 most important out of those 200+ ranking factors in 2017 and will know how the post can be ranked with their help.


1. Page Authority

If we understand Page Authority in short, then what is the value of the pages on your site, and the higher it is, the more value the Search Engines give to it.

There is a simple way to increase Page Authority; you have to manage the page properly, keep everything in it in a format, and whatever content you use in it, that too in a flow. In which there are images, videos, etc.

In simple words, you will have to increase the value of the page, for this you should link it to other pages of your site and also give backlink to this page.


2: Link Relevancy | Backlink

You must know what is Backlink and how important it is, and I also told you in my previous post how to make High Quality Backlink but along with making Backlink, its relevance is also very important.

There is benefit from backlinks, but if the link coming to your page is not related to it, then Google will not give much value to it, so try to add links only in pages related to your page.

Google’s latest update also tells how to create backlinks and also gives a warning to those who post guest posts . If you do guest post then you must read Google Guest Post Guidelines .

You must definitely add internal links to your blog posts, keep this in mind also that add only those links which are related to it.


3. Content Length

If you want to top the SERP then you will have to write long articles, many top bloggers have said this after doing surveys, and it is true that long content ranks faster in Google.

The reason for ranking long content quickly is that it is easy for Google to understand which software the page is in. But if there is not much information and very little is written, then Google does not understand which software the page is in, that is why it does not rank it quickly.

So you have to keep in mind that you have to write a good length article.

Now this question must have come to your mind, how many words should be used in an article.. it depends, and you should take it in such a way that whatever information you are giving should be complete and with details.

You should not add the reverse story in order to increase the length, otherwise it may also cause harm, I will tell you about that in the next point.


4. Content Detail | Content Relevancy

If you are writing an article, you must provide the information that the user needs. What this means is that you should not change the title or write something else in the content. Google can reduce your rank if you do this.

Let us understand with an example: If you have given the title “ How to make a website ” then you have to provide information about this in it, and apart from this if you provide some other information then neither the user will like it nor Google.

As I mentioned in the previous point, the longer the length of the content, the faster it will rank in search, but because of that you should not keep writing anything that is not useful.

Only as much information is required should be given, neither more nor less.


5. Average Time Spent on Page

This is the most important ranking factor of today's time, and if you understand this then you can easily rank any of your posts.

You write posts, pay full attention to SEO and also write good posts. In this way you will appear on the first page of Google, but if you want to come on the first position then you will have to increase the spent time of the visitors on your page.

In other words you can say that you will have to reduce the bounce rate of your page.

Whenever someone comes to your site by clicking on the search result and stays on your site, Google will feel that what it wanted is on your site and hence even if you are in the last, your rank will improve.

But if you are on top and someone comes to your site by clicking on it and closes your page immediately after that then Google thinks that what the user wanted is not on this page and this will bring down your rank.

So you have to take care of this thing very well, that if someone comes to your site then he should stay on your site, for this you should try to make the content as interesting as possible.

You can see the bounce rate  with the help of Google Analytics , apart from this there are many other things which you can track in Google Analytics. If you have not yet added Google Analytics to your site then you should do it now.


6. Domain Authority

Maybe you don’t know much about it, but let me tell you that Domain Authority also plays an important role in Google SERP ranking.

Domain Authority can be said in simple words, the value of our site's domain... and it comes after calculating almost 40+ things.

You must have noticed that new sites do not get ranked quickly, nor their posts are indexed quickly, this is the reason for this.

You can submit the post directly from the search page , but it is better if it is indexed in a natural way.

For this you will have to manage your site properly and always maintain your quality, when your domain authority increases.


7. Use Important Keywords

I have already explained earlier what are keywords and what should be the keyword density , and this is also an important point which Google looks at.

Whatever post you write, definitely add keyword in its title tag. Along with this, whatever important place there is, if you want to add this, then add it correctly there also.

If you have the correct knowledge of On Page SEO then you will be able to use keywords correctly easily.


8. Page Load Time

Low loading is very important in today's time, you can easily understand this yourself, if you open a site and it does not load quickly, then you close it.

Google also keeps in mind that its users should have a good experience, for this it first shows those sites in the search result which load fast.

For fast loading speed of the website, you should use fast loading template , along with this I have also shared some tips to improve the speed of the site, you can follow them too.


9. Responsive Design

You must be knowing that most of the users use mobile phones and open your site from mobile. So for them to open your site properly on mobile, it is very important for you to use a mobile friendly template.

Google also brings this thing in a very systematic way, that if a user is searching something from mobile, then the site shown to him in the result should be mobile friendly.


10. Clean Site

Whoever it may be, everybody likes clean formula things and Google is also one of them, now I will tell you which clean formula website you should follow.

There are no unnecessary things on the website which are not needed on the site, just like some people add a lot of things to make a good design, but no one likes it much and it increases the loading time of the site, that is a different matter.

If popups on the site also bother the user, then take care that popups ads are never placed and if you want to show an Email Subscribe Box in the popup, then make such a setting that it opens only after the entire site is loaded.

Ads have to be placed on the site to earn income, but do not put so many that the user cannot understand which is which ad and which is which content.. even in such a case Google may not like your site.



If you want to become good in the eyes of Google and get your post a top rank in Google, then you should pay attention to the fact that you give a good experience to your visitors in every way, so Google itself will start promoting your site.

If you feel any other point apart from this point, which Google gives more importance to, then you must tell me by commenting, and don't forget to tell me how you liked the information I told you.

If you have blogger friends, then you must share this post with them.

Posted: May 31, 2024, 8:57 a.m.
