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Benefits of doing guest posting which every blogger should know

If you are a blogger and you have a blog/website then it is very important for you to know the benefits of guest posting . Or you do not have a blog but you are an author and you want to create your own identity online, for that also guest post is the best way.

With the help of guest posting, you can increase your reputation or popularity online, which will have a direct benefit to your brand.


You can also call it Guest Blogging or else you can also call yourself a Guest Author if you post on any site.

There are many benefits of doing guest posting which I will tell you now, but before that let us know a little about what is guest posting and what is required to do in it.


What is Guest Post?

If you are a blogger/writer then you must know what a post is which is also called an article. And if you post on someone else's site, then you will be called their guest and the post you make will be called a guest post.

The author who is posting on any site is also called Guest Author.

There are benefits of doing guest posting but if it is used in the right way then it is also important for you to know how to do guest posting as per Google Webmaster.


Benefits of guest posting

If you are a blogger or a freelance writer then guest post is very important for you and it is very beneficial for you. Let us find out what are the benefits of guest posting.

#1: Backlink

Hearing these words, you must have been shocked, that Backlink.. because you must know how important Backlink is for a website. With the help of backlinks, the authority of your site will improve and the search ranking of your site will increase.

If you do not know what is a backlink and how to create a high quality backlink, then you must read the articles I have written.

#2: Traffic

Traffic means visitors, there is no need to tell me how important it is for a website. If there is a website and no visitors are coming to it, then there is no benefit of the website.

There are many ways to get traffic, of which SEO is one and you can also promote it by sharing posts. But with the help of guest post, you can also get traffic from the blog on which you are posting.


#3: Build your identity

Everyone knows how important it is to earn recognition at any place. If you are in any field, then it is very important that all the people associated with that field recognize you. Guest Posting is the best option to increase your recognition.

By posting, you can share your talent with the blog owners, so that the readers of that blog will also start recognizing you.


#4: Build Relationships

If you want to be successful in any field, it is very important to take everyone along, so that if you face any problem somewhere, everyone supports you, helps you. For this you will have to contact everyone and maintain good relationships.

There can be no better way to build a good relationship with another good blogger than by posting a high quality post on their blog, this will make them happy with you and they will also support you.

#5: Branding

This is such a word, which must be going through the mind of those who want to be successful.. because if you want to do something big then it is very important to create a brand, so that you can have a different identity..

If you post a guest post, then along with your name, the name of your website is also mentioned there, which will also increase your brand value.


#6: Get Feedback

You can also find out how you write and how much people like it by doing guest posts, because when you post on a blog, the readers will also comment on your post, which will let you know how good your way of writing posts is and what you should improve in it.


#7: Share Talent

If you have talent in any thing and you can write well in that subject then with the help of guest post you can show your talent to the users of that website.

So friends, now you know what are the benefits of guest posting and how much you can benefit from it, but there are some more things that you should know about guest blogging if you want to do guest blogging.


where to do guest post

If you write good articles and you want to do guest blogging, then you must check a few things first so that you get the full benefit of your guest posting.

  1. How much value is there of the blog/website on which you want to post.
  2. The site on which you want to post, there should not be any content which is not good. (Hacking, Cracking, Copyright…)
  3. The site on which you want to post should have a good design, so that its readers can read your good post properly. ,
  4. How will you get credit for guest post?


Pay attention to these things before doing a guest post

If you are doing guest posting on someone’s blog, it means you are their guest, so you have to take full advantage of this opportunity, you have to give your best in this, let’s find out what all has to be done with it.

  1. The post written by you should not be copied from anywhere , otherwise it will spoil your image.
  2. The format of the post should be good, which is easy to read.
  3. Use high quality images so that the post looks more interesting.
  4. Pay full attention to SEO while writing the post , so that your post can appear in search also.
  5. Don't think that my site is small, so I can post anything.. The better the guest post you make, the better the result you will get.

If you want to post a guest post on any site, what should you do for it? This question may also come to your mind, so let me tell you, if you want to post a guest post on any blog, then first of all you should check the site. If they accept guest posting, then you will get a Guest Post Request Page on their site. Just like on HMH also, in which complete guidelines will be given on how to post and in what type of post.

You should contact the Admin of the site and discuss with them and send them your post.

Hope now you have understood what is Guest Post, what are its benefits and how to do Guest Post. Even after this, if you have any question related to Guest Post then you can ask by commenting.

Posted: May 31, 2024, 2:29 p.m.
