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7 mistakes that make you fail in blogging which successful bloggers do not make

We always read these words on the internet like “ how to be successful in blogging , how to become a successful blogger etc. But the topic we will talk about today is very different from this because today we  will read about the mistakes that happen in blogging , why a blogger fails in blogging  and what mistakes he makes due to which he is called a failed blogger yes.

Nowadays the number of bloggers is increasing very fast and among the new bloggers who are starting blogging only a few are getting success while the rest are failing.

After all why do people fail in blogging, those are the reasons but in this article we will talk about what could be the reasons for becoming a successful blogger. So let's see what mistakes a successful blogger makes in his blogging career.


7 mistakes that make you fail (successful) in blogging

Mistake 1:  Not writing a SEO friendly heading for the post

This is one such mistake that many new bloggers make. I also made this mistake in the beginning that I used to write anything in the heading of my post without thinking, but later I realized that the heading of the article also plays a very important role.

A good blogger always keeps the heading of his blog post SEO friendly . That's why always keep the heading of your article SEO friendly. The meaning of keeping a SEO friendly heading

You should use your main keyword in your heading like

  • how to make a blog
  • earn money online
  • learn blogging
  • It doesn't help me
  • Blogging tips

#use some branded words in your heading like

  • excellent
  • crappy
  • fabulase
  • beginners

#use number in your heading like

  • 10 great tips for creating a good blog
  • 9 best tools for creating online logo
  • How to use 2 whatsapp in one mobile

Read more about how to write SEO friendly title 


Mistake 2: Wasting too much time on social media

This has become a very common thing and all new bloggers make this mistake because I have seen that many new bloggers waste a lot of their time on Facebook, Whatsapp, they feel that being active on social media for the whole day is beneficial for their blog, so let me tell them that if you are wasting a lot of your time on social media without any benefit.

If you waste your time on social media then it means you are not thinking about taking your blog forward. Have you noticed it or not, but I have noticed that all the top bloggers do not waste most of their time on social media, rather they spend most of their time on their work.

I am not telling you that you should stop using social media, I am telling you that you should spend time on social media with a limit. If you focus on your blog as much as you spend on social media, then I can say with certainty that your blog will improve faster. Therefore, do not waste too much of your time on social media. Do not spend more than 1-2 hours on social media in a day.

This must be read:


Mistake 3: Copy pasting the article

As far as I believe, the biggest reason for new bloggers failing in blogging is that they copy paste articles without putting in any hard work.

Keep one thing in mind that you can never achieve success in blogging by copy-pasting . No matter how smartly you copy paste, one day Google will find you and the day your blog is put in Google spam list, that day will be the end of your blog's future.

If you want to be successful in blogging then you will have to stop copy pasting articles. If you are copy pasting the article then you are just wasting your time because there is no future of copy pasted article because such article neither gets rank in Google nor does it bring traffic yes. Therefore, to be successful in blogging, start writing your own articles.


Mistake 4: Publishing the article without reading it

Publishing an article without reading it is another important issue. When we write an article and go to publish it, we do not read it properly at that time, due to which there are some mistakes in many words. This happens not only with you but with me too.

If there is any mistake in the post, it is necessary to correct it by proofreading before publishing the post. 

If there is a spelling mistake or incomplete information in your blog, then users will not like your blog, due to which all your hard work will go waste because visitors will not come to your blog.

After writing the post, what all should you check before publishing it , you must read that too.. if there is any shortcoming in your post, you will correct it first.

Do not publish the article immediately after writing it.. Write the entire article and save it in draft.. Then after some time refresh your mind and read the entire article carefully.. And correct all the mistakes you have made and publish the article..


Mistake 5: Not responding well to comments

Responding or not responding to any comment is a very important part of blogging. As a blogger you should reply properly to every comment because you are a blogger.

It is seen that some people give lazy responses to their comments. Response commenting has such value that your trust increases on your readers. If you answer the comment of every reader of yours, then the trust of that reader in you increases and that reader also feels happy that the blog founder is understanding the value of my comment.

Commenting Response is a kind of mind game which we call above our reader. That's why answer every comment in a very smart way.


Mistake 6: Always thinking about traffic

When a new blogger starts his blogging journey, he checks his traffic status at least 50 times daily.

If you are also doing this then you are making a very big mistake, because if you look at your traffic repeatedly then its direct impact goes to your brain, if your traffic is fine then your brain will be normal but If your traffic decreases then you will be stressed and you do not know what type of thoughts will come to your mind and in such a condition you will not be able to do your blogging work properly. Because there will always be tension in your mind about less traffic.

So never think too much about traffic, but think about your work, if your work is good then traffic will definitely come. Stop looking at the traffic status daily and think about writing unique and fresh content. If you write unique and fresh content, then your visitors will like your article very much and if people like your article then those visitors will definitely come back to your blog again.

Nothing happens by thinking about traffic, you have to work to get traffic. You can read here, I have told 50 ways to get traffic on the blog , you can bring traffic to your blog by using them.


Mistake 7: Not promoting your article

I have seen many bloggers who publish articles daily but still do not get any traffic on their blog. I also received some mail saying dear sir I regularly update my blog but still the traffic on my blog is low. The reason behind all this is that simply publishing an article for promotion does not achieve anything, it also has to be promoted in a good manner.

we should spend twice the time to promote an article than the time we spend to write it.

This means that when you publish a new article, then promote it vigorously after that. And promote your article at every place on the internet like promote your article on Facebook page , Facebook group ,  Twitter etc. After publishing a new blog post, where to promote it, I have already written an article about it Follow those who have published it.


Mistake 8: Not designing the blog properly

Many people create a blog but they do not design it properly, because of this the visitors are not able to follow it properly and this is also a big reason why visitors do not come to that blog.

For a good design, use a good template in the blog which is also mobile friendly so that it opens well on mobile also.

Website Design Mistakes that no one should make..

All the reasons mentioned above point to one being a failed blogger!

Now you have to decide whether you want to become a successful blogger or a failed blogger. If we keep all these things in mind while blogging then maybe we can become good bloggers. A failed blogger moves forward and becomes a super successful blogger.

How did you like this article of mine? Please give your views in the comment box and share this post so that other bloggers can also get help from it. If you know any other reason apart from these which those successful bloggers do then please tell us by commenting.

Posted: May 30, 2024, 1:41 a.m.
