10 Reasons Why Your Website Does Not Rank On Google Search Engines And ways To Fix It

It does not matter the kind of website you have or the purpose you have for making the website, the truth is that everyone want their website to be displayed on search engines and they also want people to click on their link and visit their website, even you reading this article you are here because you want your website to be on search engines and you also want clicks from search engines, that is why i am writting this article(10 Reasons Why Your Website Does Not Rank On Google Search Engines And ways To Fix It) so that it will help people whom their website are not being ranked on google search engines.

If you have a website and you feel that you have done everything that is required to be done to rank the website, yet your website is not showing up in search then don’t worry, I am going to tell you all those points which you have to check and note down so that your website will rank.

Before telling you the reasons for your website not ranking on search engines, I would suggest you read some of the article i have listed below so you can get a stronger knowledge on ranking your website.

20 Best SEO Tips For Website Rank
10 Important Ranking Factor in Google SERP

So now let us find out why your website is not getting ranked on Google search despite trying everything, where are you making a mistake and how can that mistake be corrected.

Reasons for website not getting ranked

If we talk about all the points, they all fall into 4 main categories, and if there is any issue in any of the 4 main categories, then your website will not be able to rank in Google. This 4 categories are:

Indexing and crawl issues: You have blocked the crawler in your website settings, or for some reason your website is not being crawled.

Technical issues with your website: There is some technical issue with the website, like some code has been used wrongly or the speed of the website is very slow.

Linking issues: All the links on the website are not correct and the Backlink profile is also not good.

Content and keyword issues: The content on the website is not good or is not what the user wants.
So let us now know in detail about all the points due to which your website is not getting ranked in Google.

1. Your site/page is not on Google

If you are not sure whether Google has indexed your website or not, then you can simply find your website by searching the term “ site:kemisto.com ”. You have to search the URL of your website instead of kemisto.com or if you want to check any page, then you have to search its URL.

With the help of site: operation, you can check any website/page whether it is indexed in Google or not. After searching on Google, check, if your website is showing in the search and all the pages are appearing on Google then it means your website is indexed. There is some other reason for it not appearing on top in the search. If your website is not showing up on Google even after doing such a search, it means that some Google penalty has been imposed on your website. If you had disabled indexing when you created your website , but now the website is completely ready, still you did not turn it off. So that can also be a reason, definitely check that too.

2. Your website is totally new right now

If your website is completely new, or the page you are searching on Google is new, then you need to wait a little.. you should check after some time.. sometimes it takes a little more time to get indexed..

You can also manually submit your post to Google to get your post indexed quickly .

If you have not added your website to Search Console , then first of all you should add it, after that submit the site map of your website there . Because with the help of site map only Google comes to know quickly if any new page has been added to the website, which it can index quickly.

Along with submitting the sitemap, also check the Google Search Console Important Settings , whether they are set correctly or not.

After creating a new website, definitely set these 10 important settings.

3. Your content is not indexed

The most common reason for Google not indexing a page is that that page has been unindexed.

This is a simple meta tag, which if present on any page, signals to Google that they should not index this page. Normally no index is used when we want that this page should not be shown in Google.

<meta name="robots" content="noindex">
If you use Yoast , RankMath or any SEO plugin , you will get its option in the post editor itself. From there you can select its setting whether you want to index that page or not.

4. Robots.txt Is Blocking Google

If we do not want to show the website in Google, then we do not index it. Along with this, there are some pages in the website which we do not want Google to crawl.

We can tell you which page the search engine should crawl and which not from the robots.txt file of our website.

If your website is not showing up on Google, it is possible that you have mistakenly set the Robots.txt settings wrongly.

You will get information about how to set Robots.txt here.

If your blog is on WordPress then you must go to the settings and check the Search Engine Visibility , to see if you have disabled it.

You can also check your robots.txt code in Search Console to see what it is blocking and what it is allowing for indexing.

This is the URL of the robots.txt file, where you can see the robots.txt file of your website.



5. There is some technical issue in the website

If there is any technical error in the website, this can also be a reason due to which your website is not showing in Google.

First of all, you should check whether your website is loading fast or not. If it is not, then information on how to speed up the website is given here. You should follow it and first of all speed up your website. Because you must know why anyone would like a slow website. That is why even Google does not like slow websites.

It is now necessary to have an SSL certificate on the website. If any website loads on http:// instead of https:// then it is considered an unsecure website, from where any hacker can easily steal the user's data. So if you have installed an SSL certificate on your website, If you haven’t done it then do it now.

The themes you have installed on your website could also be the cause of a technical problem. So try to download and install themes and plugins from trusted sources only. And stay away from cracked nulled themes , otherwise your website could also get hacked.

What is Technical SEO and how can we rank our website with the help of Technical SEO, you will get complete information about it in this podcast.

6. The website has been penalized

Google has its SEO guidelines, if someone does not follow them and bypasses them and does Black Hat SEO, then as soon as Google comes to know about it, they remove that website from Google search.

Simply put, if you are using a method to rank your website that is not correct, then Google can remove your website from search forever.

Like if you buy links or do Keyword Stuffing to rank a keyword then your website/page can be penalized.

Be sure to read Google's Guest Post Guidelines and how to use keywords in its ware.

Presence of broken links in the website also puts a wrong impact on the ranking of the website. Hence, you must also check whether your website is getting any 404 error or not, and if yes, then fix it.

What is SEO and how does it work, you must know this also if you want to rank your website in Google. Because if you do not have knowledge of SEO or have incomplete knowledge then you will definitely make some mistake due to which your website will not be shown in Google.


7. There is no proper internal linking in the website

Everyone writes the correct article on the website or tries to write it.. But one mistake that most bloggers make is that they do not put the correct internal link in their post.

If you want to rank your website's posts, then you will have to use the right internet... and in that too, you will have to keep in mind which are the most important pages among all your posts.

With the help of Internet Links, our posts not only get help in getting indexed quickly, but also when any user visits our website, with the help of internal links, he goes from one page to another page, due to which the bounce rate of the website is reduced which is a ranking signal .

While doing internal linking, you have to keep this thing in mind, whatever link you are giving in the post should be related to that article or it should help the user who is visiting that post.

8. Having bad Backlinks 

You must be knowing what is Backlink and we have also shared in detail on how to create quality backlinks and how to remove bad backlinks .

If there are more backlinks on a page or website, then the chances of it getting ranked are very high.. so if there is no backlink on your website, then this can also be a reason for your website not ranking.

If there is no backlink on your website and the website which is ranking has more backlinks, then here you will get information about how many ways you can create backlinks on your website.


9. The content of your website is good, but the competition is high

The quality of the content you have put on your website is good and you have published the post after doing proper research, even after that if your website is not ranking in Google then the reason for this could also be that there is a lot of competition on the keyword on which you want to rank.

You should find low competition keywords and use long tail keywords in your posts. Even if the number of searches is less, there will be no problem in ranking your website.

10. Low Quality Content

Be it a search engine or a user, everyone likes quality content.

The job of a Search Engine is to provide the correct information to the user who is searching or wants to know something or to send him to the correct website. In such a case, if the quality of the content on our website is not good and what the user wants is not available on our website, then the Search Engine will not show your site in search.

How to write good content which is liked by both the user and Google , I have already published a post on this topic. You must read it. Also learn how to write quality content .

Keep one thing in mind, quality content is that in which the user gets what he wants. So for this you will also have to understand your users as to what they want.



I hope you understand this everything written in this article, and you are now able to know the reason why your website is not getting ranked on Google and if your website is not getting ranked on Google search i trust that by reading this article you will have gotten the information you need to address the issue.

If you have checked all these points, even after that your website is ranking in Google then you must check in Search Console as well, if there is any problem then you will be shown an error there.

If you still have any question about your website not getting ranked, you can ask by commenting.. Do tell me in the comment how you liked this information so that I can keep bringing such useful information for you in future as well..

Let's meet in the next useful article, till then Happy Blogging...!

Posted: July 6, 2024, 12:57 a.m.
